What people are saying.

  • "Before I started this year, I had never sung a song to anyone beyond my wife, and even then I was terrified. I had never sung, nor was capable of singing without the music in the background. I never even knew that falsetto was a thing - or how to access it in singing. on the surface its just a singing lesson, but for me it has been much more."

    — Stephen

  • “Thank you so much for another fantastic term of piano lessons for our son. It has been so wonderful to see him grow in his skill and enjoyment of playing. He’s even given some ‘performances’ for his Grandparents, which have been just fantastic. We really appreciate Luan’s patience and enthusiasm when he teaches.”

    — T Baker

  • “Eliette is wonderful with the children. She has a real ability to engage with each individual child in the class and draw them into the action. The children really respond to her warmth and sense of fun. Eliette is very popular with our daughter who counts down each sleep between music days.”

    — Belinda

  • "My confidence has changed in a way I can’t describe and I now realise I have a musical instrument I can access whenever and wherever. Singing in the shower, car and at home to my kids are all things I had never done and my mind and body have been greatly blown away over the time I have had with Chris. I look forward to lots more wonderful experiences."

    — S

  • "Excellent teaching, our daughter loves Eliette's patience, kindness, humour and the challenges Eliette sets her. The music is always current and great choices for Jenna's voice, which gives Jenna even more confidence. Jenna also takes piano lessons and it's awesome seeing those skills develop so quickly."

    — Andrea

  • “My 10-year-old son has been doing drum lessons with Nick for almost a year now. He thoroughly enjoys it! Nick has a real passion for the drums, and his enthusiasm is contagious. He is able to really connect with my son and gets home to focus and enjoy drums.”

    — Emily

  • "My son starting singing lessons this year with Brendan and I've recently started myself. Fantastic lessons and a really well organised and professional company. I recommend you to anyone wanting to learn singing or music skills."

    — Lee

  • "For someone who is 42 with 3 young kids you rarely get the opportunity to try something new and expose yourself in a vulnerable way that singing requires you to."

    — Steve

  • "It's a great school. The EMA teachers are very professional and passionate. My son is learning Drum, Band and Piano and he loves every minutes in his music lesson!"

    — Shan

  • "Not only do you guys teach music you develop these kids into confident young people!"

    — Subha

  • “The online lessons worked really well! Lawson loved seeing Jesse’s face again, he misses him lots. Eliette’s team is amazing”

    — Tracey

  • “Just wanted to let you know my zoom lesson last night was awesome! I was pretty hesitant at first but Vesa made me feel comfortable with it and I ended up loving it!”

    — Damien (adult singing student)

  • "My daughter (12) just started this year at EMA, and is now into her second term. She attends theory/composition and singing, and LOVES her classes, she always comes out happy and singing! Music is now her favourite subject at school - and that's thanks to the teachers at Eliette's. You guys ROCK!"

    — Christina

  • "Walking into Eliette’s Music Academy two years ago has been one of the best things I’ve done in my life! This has given me a place where I am truly accepted and where my heart can be happy and at peace, being able to do what I love the most with likeminded people. Eliette, Vesa and the other teachers are all incredibly talented and amazing individuals and every lesson brings so much happiness and satisfaction! EMA has saved my life and sanity, and I’ll be forever grateful to Eliette and the team!"

    — Rozanne

  • "Never did I think that when I joined the adult choir at Elliette's, it would become such an important part of my life. Its a place where my heart is at home and where I can do what I love with like minded people. Elliette's truly is a place where anyone and everyone feels welcome, where passions and talents get nurtured in a professional and warm environment by world class teachers."

    — Lizarn

  • "My daughter has absolutely loved doing Keyboard and singing lessons she loves her teacher and looks forward to going every week."

    — Simone

  • "I started at the academy in May to learn vocals and ukulele and I have never looked back; it is the highlight of my week coming in to see Teia (my tutor) and learn more and more every time. I absolutely love it and would highly recommend to anyone looking for a place to learn in a safe and fun environment."

    — Hannah

  • “Our daughter Isabella has been with Eliette’s Music Academy since she was 7 years old, and we couldn't be happier for her with this experience. She started with piano and singing lessons, and over the years, the team at EMA has helped her grow not only as a musician but as a confident young artist."

    – Andres

  • "Thanks to the welcoming environment and guidance, she's had the opportunity to perform at gigs, enter competitions, and even write, record, and produce her original songs. Watching her develop her skills and pursue her passion has been an absolute joy."

    - Yuly

  • "EMA truly cares about their students and provides them with the tools and opportunities to succeed. We’re grateful for everything they've done for our daughter and would highly recommend them to anyone looking for a music school that goes above and beyond”

    - Andres